You want your children to grow up well-rounded and well-balanced. You want them to be tough, but not a bully. You want them to be sensitive, but not a wuss. You want them to cry with you during a good Hallmark commercial, and be able to grunt, spit and slam their opponents during a good football game. We don't ask too much... do we?
To help your child find that delicate balance, you expose them to life. You don't sugar coat their life lessons, i.e., you name your family's pet cow, Dinner. You set a delicate balance of rules, i.e., bugs live outside, don't hurt bugs in their home; when the bug has the nerve to cross into my territory, squish it dead...and hurry, please. You teach your child about the Circle of Life, teaching them that all creatures have a purpose. Some have the sole purpose of being someone else's food. That's just how it works.
Chase and his friend were watching a Planet Earth movie while playing at our house. Chase has demonstrated a good understanding of the Circle of Life, so far. Watching an elephant turn into a meal for 30 ravenous lions doesn't gross him out, yet. I did, however, realize that there was a need for me to demonstrate some parental guidance in the viewing of this smorgasbord when Chase's friend was found watching the video with one hand over his eyes, under the counter, where he was "just eating his grapes". Wanting to ensure that my son didn't permanently lose one of his best buddies, I used my most comforting voice and began explaining the Circle of Life and how natural it is in the animal kingdom. I then became aware of how overly comfortable my Sensitive Sam is with animals feasting on other animals when he blurted out,
"Yup, It's the 'Circle of Death'. It's the Circle of YOUR Death, Mr. Elephant."
We turned off the movie and pulled out the Lego's. Unless you count the little head of your Lego guy falling off, the Circle of Death does not reign with plastic blocks.
December Brain Dump
4 years ago
Oh, Danielle, your commentaries on Chase are hilarious. Seriously, I laugh more reading your posts than anywhere else. Good thing Chase is not like my boys - he'd have the Lego guys killing each other in a display of THEIR circle of life.
P.S. the picture on the top of your header made me almost pee my pants. I never knew Jeff had such a tender side.
Kids say the darndest things! FUNNY!
this is birgitta
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