The other day, Gourd-ita made an appearance on our front lawn. Isn't she pretty? She makes such a great addition to the existing pieces of lawn art already in place in our front yard, i.e. neighbor children's shoes and neighbor children's toys.
We really like our gift. Really, we do. We would like to know who to thank for our beautiful Gourd-ita, however. Our mysterious squash artisan deserves proper accolades. If you see fit to enlighten us, we also have a few questions for you.
We are a little confused as to what to do with her. Being the people-pleaser that I am, I want to take the appropriate action as to not offend the gifter. Are we supposed to eat her? Is the purpose of Gourd-ita to share with us the bounty that was your garden? Or, is she to add to the Autumn Ambiance that now resides on my front porch?
Either way, thank you for our treasure. We are touched by Gourd-ita's late-night appearance to our landscape via the zucchini bandit. If you choose to remain anonymous, we completely understand. We will just have to take our chances with our course of action. Our choices are to leave Gourd-ita where she lies, for all to enjoy. She will meet a frosty end, however. Too much more time out there and her produce parts will freeze. Or, we can eat her, one piece at a time, opting to deeply offend our Produce Picasso.
At any rate, thanks for thinking of us! We love the creative lengths you went through to to try to deplete your squash-plants-run-a-muck. It is way more impressive than the old standby of coming out of church on Sunday to a front seat full of overrun veggies!
December Brain Dump
4 years ago
OK, THAT is hilarious. I love this post.. still totally laughing. Good luck trying to figure out what to do with her.. she's VERY cool though!!
I HAVE to refer this the Neighbor Jane, she will love it!!
I love her name...very creative! I think you should eat her! Fry her up with some tomatoes!
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