Chase has been saving his greens for a REALLY long time. He has learned great restraint when hit in the face with a must-have. This hasn't always been the case. Before he developed his ablility to set aside a want in order to increase his fundage, Chase would stoop so low as to say,
"Well, could you just buy it for me this time? I am trying to save my money."
Yeah, I would like to think that we all could save a lot of money if we had the option of "No, thanks, I'll use your money today." I am proud to say that he has now learned to live without the dollar priced toy, in hopes of saving up for something bigger and better.
My cute little sweet-pea has been introduced to the world of savings accounts early in his childhood career. He has heard it explained that as his money sits in his account, it grows. It just came to my attention that I forgot to exclude his wallet from such awesome, cultivating super powers.
Chase decided he was ready to look into his wallet to see what wonderful things have been "growing" in there. He asked me to help him count his earnings. He handed me a literal wad of green stuff, and the magic began. I would unwad a bill, hand it to him, and give it a name:
It was quiet. Chase was literally frozen. I wish I could back this whole thing up and set a video camera on his face. PRICELESS! His mouth slowly, and I mean, SLOWLY, dropped open. His eyes grew wider. Without moving anything but his lips, he whispered,
"I'm rich."
"I'm rich."
"I am SERIOUSLY rich!"
The piece de resistance came when he broke out into a musical number, complete with operatic vibrato and dancing, while waving his lucrative pom-poms,
sung to the tune of I Believe I Can Fly,
"I believe I am rich!
I believe I am so-hoh rich!"
While I am glad that his childhood perspective allows him to let the amount of 17 dollars fling him into wealth greater than Midas (not to mention his talent of putting his own words to song), I am gently reminded that we need to further his lessons on humility.
December Brain Dump
4 years ago
Awe humility schmumility! That is SO funny. I can't believe he really sang those words to that tune. Classic, I would've loved to have seen that! He is so dang cute. Congratulations Chase on your big fat wad of cash bucks! What are you gonna buy me? :)
That kid is going to be seriously thrilled that you have blogged all of this cutness.
Funny kid! I was laughing and then I read the story to Jeremy. I would have loved to hear it in song!
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