Saturday, August 29, 2009

Boys Toys

It has been said that if you could only choose two toys for your children, buy them a set of blocks, and a set of Legos. That way, when they are 40-something, they are capable of building:

the coolest outhouse ever.

Both of my boys completely impressed themselves.


Heather said...

Why doesn't that surprise me.. Jeff could build anything with anything! I wish you were our neighbors, then we could take advantage of you all the time! :)

Cute watermelon.. glad it was tasty. I have been buying a lot of crappy peaches lately. there's nothing better than peaches from your own tree.. not that I've ever had one, but people I know have. and I think I want one now!

Jill & Seth said...

Of course...a lego creation with a toilet. Must have been built by guys.

Oh wait, do we even need them?


Birgitta said...

Ha, ha, ha...that really made me chuckle!

Anonymous said...

Love it!

Samantha and Tyrel Ross said...

K so I didn't even know lego sold a toilet seat piece!! That is great. Speaking of building a guy in my ward was wearing one of Jeff's wooden tie's. He said he bought it from a guy in Logan and I am assuming Jeff is the only one in Logan that made those ties!! small world!