Seriously, are they a good looking couple, or what?! Gorgeous, I'll tell ya!
Wow. 41 years. Today, that is a milestone. I am pretty sure that I am biased, but I think I have the greatest parents ever known to man. I sure love them. Since I missed doing a tribute to my mother on Mother's Day, I thought that I would kill two birds with one stone. I think I will split the difference between Mother's Day and Father's Day and do my tribute to them now, for their anniversary. Look at that. I just let myself off the hook for Father's Day!
Anyway, 41 years, 41 tributes. I hope you learn something about these great people. They are pretty spectacular!
1. My parents are two of the most service oriented people. They will serve anyone at anytime. They will serve until they are literally exhausted.
2. They will take a nap and serve all over again.
3. They LOVE the gospel.
4. Their testimonies are so strong. Their testimonies have strenghtened so many people, starting with their own children and grandchildren.
5. They are goal oriented.
6. They are always looking for good things to do. They love to better themselves.
7. They love their children and grandchildren.
8. They keep the roads hot between themselves and their children. They will always be there to support us, if humanly possible.
9. They LOVE to laugh. They have such great humor about them.
10. They are two of the friendliest people. They will talk to perfect strangers without batting an eye. They have passed this on to their children.
11. They have great integrity. They are the kind of people that do what is right because it's the right thing to do, even behind closed doors.
12. They are people pleasers. It's makes their day to know that you are happy and doing well. They will do what they can to get you to that point.
13. My dad has such a beautiful tenor voice. It melts your knee caps.
14. I hear my dad when I listen to the Tabernacle Choir.
15. My mom has an amazing green thumb.
16. I see her when I am in my flower beds.
17. They are both returned missionaries.
18. Two of their children have served in the same missions they served in.
19. You won't hear them gossip.
20. They are so good with their money. They have taught their children to save money. They are now teaching this to their grandchildren.
21. They love traditions and find great joy in them.
22. They both like to take a good nap.
23. My mom is a wonderful cook. We turn to her for our best recipes.
24. When you scratch my dad, he bleeds blue. BYU blue.
25. They have sung at Carnegie Hall.
26. My dad snuck ice cream after we kids were in bed. He thinks we don't know.
27. My mom steals drinks out of Jeff's soda. She doesn't care that he knows.
28. They are the proverbial old couple when driving together in a car.
29. They are pretty smokin' in their Chrysler.
30. They are very wise. Sometimes we get wiser just by being near them. Sometimes.
31. They are such good people that you want to be better just because you know them.
32. They are both avid readers and have been since I can remember.
33. They are good in-laws. Their children-in-law love them.
34. Their house has a revolving door on it. People love to be in their home.
35. The doctor told them they might not be able to have children.
36. They have 7 children and almost 13 grandchildren.
37. They are very good listeners. They are first ones that we call for advice, and a good vent.
38. They are good sports. They will try anything, with in reason.
39. I want to be like them when I grow up.
40. I admire their relationship. They are so good to each other. I look forward to doing a tribute to them at their 50th.
41. They are very forgiving. I know they will forgive me for putting them on a pedestal, and for showing you this picture.
Congratulations on all of these years together. We love you!!
December Brain Dump
4 years ago
Wow! Happy Anniversary indeed! I hope dinner was good last night!
Thank you Danielle, that was a bit of work. Those are very nice things. We are glad you like us! We had a nice anniversary. We went to dinner, (we at Mexican food and Clark had a burger, typical). We worked, went to a church activity and a reception. All in a good day.
You may be biased, but I think your comment "I think I have the greatest parents ever known to man. I sure love them" is true. You do have wonderful parents and you wrote a great tribute.
That was a great tribute Dobben. They really are the best parents ever.
Ditto to all that.. and all the other stuff I was too lazy to write about! :)
Happy Anniversary to your parents! I really do LOVE THEM very much. They have always treated me like one of their own children. I appreciate that so much. That was a perfect tribute Danielle!
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