A few weeks ago, when my sister-in-law went on our fun trip to Salt Lake, we went to Ikea (spelling?). We were there on a mission for our husbands' business, with a few extra dollars in our pockets for us, just in case ;). Chase opened one of the fridges and saw a bottle of sparkling cider, added for a little bit of realism. Chase looked at me with disturbed brown eyes and asked, "Is that alcohol?" We have been the rounds before over things that look like alcohol, but really aren't, and it is just too confusing to a literal, straight-laced 5 year old. "Yes," I said, to avoid furthur conversation. Chase then went from display to display, opening the fridges, looking for alcohol..."alcohol...no alcohol...no alcohol...alcohol." My neice Kaylie went to her mother and said, in her concerned 5 year old tone, "Mom, Chase wants to find alcohol! Why is he looking for alcohol?" Cracking up that I am even having to have this dicussion in the first place, I mentioned that Chase had just given a talk about our bodies being in the image of God and that our bodies are a temple. It's good to know that that which we teach our children is not very far from our minds!
I have since realized that I have forgotten to blog about his talk and how proud we were of him. He spoke so clearly. He had his talk memorized and held up corrisponding pictures, his favorite being, of course, the primary cut-out of the Word of Wisdom, featuring alcohol and a big "No" circle through it. This is his talk:
I know that my Heavenly Father loves me
He has given me many things:
a prophet
a family
and a body, created after His image.
That means that my body was made to look like Him.
To take care of my body I,
eat good food
keep yucky things out
gets lots of sleep and exercise.
When I take care of my body, I show my Heavenly Father that I love Him, too.
Way to go, Chase! We are so proud of you!!
December Brain Dump
4 years ago
Wow he's on top of things! He's such a good boy.
You must have had to laugh, it makes me laugh to picture him opening up each refrigerator, "checking" Funny guy
What a cutie! Your posts make me laugh.
Way to go on the talk. Alaina gave her first talk two weeks ago on family. Hers lasted 30 seconds but she loved every second of it!
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