Well, I am jumping on the band wagon. I have read several blogs having posted 25 things about them and have LOVED them! I have learned so many great things about these people. It looks like a lot of fun, so I have decided to play.
1. I love stories about bodily functions. Any story with the words, "pooh", "wet pants","barf" and "pass gas" in them make me laugh til I cry.
2. I don't know who sings any song or what the words are to any song written after the 1960's. I am a Classical, Big Band, and MoTab girl all the way.
3. When Jeff and I were dating, I burned a farm truck to the ground. Whoops.
4. Thinking about, hearing about or looking at any kind of animal or anything to do with animals, while I'm eating, makes me gag...big time!
5. I have sworn that I will never scrapbook...too expensive, too time consuming, etc.
6. I love to scrapbook. It is one of my favorite things to do now. I am learning to never say never.
7. I think lobster looks so good when other people eat it, like on commercials. The thought of eating it myself makes me sick. Go figure.
8. One of my biggest pet peeves is tailgating. Please don't tailgate me while driving, or standing in a checkout line. The tail of my car, or my tail, it doesn't matter. Just don't do it. It drives me crazy!
9. I am a closet Reality TV show lover. Don't tell anyone.
10. My earliest memories are of my cutting my hair (without permission, of course), stealing a pack of gum, and pretending to "smoke" a used cigarette butt off of the road by our house in Idaho. Destined for greatness.
11. I am deathly afraid of tornados. When one touched down in Utah, I grabbed my pictures, my geneology, ran under the stairs and turned into a puddle. Seriously.
12. I have laughed so hard milk has come out of my nose. I have drunk soda with a straw, through my nose. That came out, too.
13. When I grow up, I want to be just like my mom and dad. I'm still waiting.
14. I hate shopping. I loathe shopping. Get in, get what you need, get out.
15. I cannot draw. All of my drawings are stick people and hilarious. Yet, I am a champion Pictionary game player (no, Mom, I don't cheat!).
16. I ALL of my dreams at night that I am in, I am skinny.
17. I love holding babies. Watching a baby fall asleep in my arms is a celestial treat.
18. I wear sunglasses when I drive so I can glare at tailgaters in the mirror. I am too nice to do it to their face.
19. I stay away from trends. I love anything classic.
20. I have always been partial to people way older than me. Some of my greatest friends have been grandmas and grandpas.
21. Being a mother scares the pants off of me. I wish I owned a crystal ball.
22. My favorite body part of mine are my eyes. I like the color.
23. My most embarrassing moment involves another body part.
24. My least favorite chore is emptying the dishwasher. Loading it is fine, I just can't stand to empty it.
25. Deep down, I am a little shy. No one seems to believe me, though.
December Brain Dump
4 years ago
It's ok to dream, in a lot of mine I have hair and I wonder why the heck I have been shaving my head so much.
I am a closet reality tv watcher too - now I'm really curious which ones you watch.
And I can attest to #17 - you can make any baby fall asleep. Want to come over to my house around 3 a.m. tonight??
When did you dring soda through your nose? I don't remember your earlies memory! You people are so funny, it is hard to top you.
Love your #10 comment "destined for greatness" it makes me laugh.
I hate shopping too...I'm with you on that one.
Oh and I loathe emptying the dishwasher too. One time I made a deal with Jeremy. If he emptied the dishwasher for me, he would never have to wash another dish. It worked for about a week.
I love your list! They are fun to read, huh? I learned a lot! :)
I came back and read your list again.
You are not shy...I missed that one!
I would love to see you drink pop from your nose...now that's talent!
I USED to hate unloanding the dishwasher too, until ours broke and I had to wash dishes for 9 months by hand. Now I don't mind it at all. Cured!
Thanks for the list! You are so funny!
We are so alike- except for the classical music thing.. you're on your own there sister.
I have always gotten along with older people too.. people my own age intimidate me!
I love shopping.. even grocery shopping.. weird. I don't like it when I have a headache though.
This made me laugh.. great ones Danny!
We have a lot in common. I knew I liked you for a reason. I had no idea about the tornado thing. You shouldn't watch Twister or Wizard of Oz so much.
Absolutely love all the random things about you! I think if would be hilarious if we all did a random list on our husbands, because heaven only knows men are quite random and strange! You're such an awesome wife, mother, and homemaker!
You are so funny! You have so many great stories. I was thinking you could take each of these 25 (or 27) and post on each one. Well if not, I strongly encourage you to elaborate on 23. I don't know what it is, but I bet it's funny!
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