Thursday, February 18, 2010

Just In Case

Over the past few weeks, a few comments have been made to me that lead me to believe that some of you have the wrong idea about me. In spite of what some of you may think, I am NOT perfect. So, just in case YOU were wondering, let me give you some examples that might clarify any misgivings;

1. I ate 12 Cadbury Mini Eggs today. Oh, but wait. By tomorrow, I will have had 4 workouts this week. So, uh never mind.

2. Today was the first time I have cleaned-cleaned my house since the second week of January. Seriously. Wait. During these past 6 weeks, I have deep cleaned 3 houses for three different families across three different states, and helped another move. Never mind on this one, too.

3. I slept until 10 AM yesterday morning. Wait. That was after I returned from my 6 AM bust-your-booty exercise boot camp. Scratch that one, too.

Ah, shoot. Well, I tried. I guess, to quote Mary Poppins, I am "practically perfect in every way."

* If you actually for ONE second think that I am the LEAST bit serious, thank you! I do try hard*

Isn't it amazing how we picture others? Everyone looks so put together. Everyone looks like they have their ducks all in a row. We could never imagine anyone having less than perfect moments, doing less than perfect anything, looking anything but perfect. It just can't be so, people! We all have our weaknesses, our strengths, our nemesis-es-s-i...foes, proud moments, less than stellar moments, and everything in between.

The really cool thing about all of this? We have great friends who know all of the above, and continue to love us still. We tend to be so much harder on ourselves than others are on us. We gotta learn to cut ourselves some slack! It makes my day that there are people in my life who really think I have a good handle on so many things. And, to humor them along, I have decided to begin to believe them. I will rise to the occasion!

And seriously, for the record, this has been quite therapeutic. I have a tendency be completely incapable of taking a compliment. I have to think of all of the reasons why they couldn't possibly be right. This morning, I gave this all some good thought. I have come to a conclusion. It makes no sense for me to argue with those of you who think I have it all together. It really can only benefit us all in the long run, right?

Know that you are fabulous! If you don't believe it, pretend you do. Fake it for as long as you have to. Eventually, you will catch up to the rest of us!

PS I just reread this post and, uh, whoops. When I say "eventually, you will catch up to the rest of us", I mean that eventually you will begin to realize that you are as fabulous as we already know that you are. NOT that you will finally be as perfect as some of us are claiming too be! Sheesh. I could actually feel my head swelling with self-focus-ed-ness!


Leslie said...

Hmmm, I don't think I can even fake it!! You are always doing the most fun activities with Chase...and yes, you are practically perfect in every way!


I love this post!!! You should be a motivational speaker. I know you are PERFECTLY talented and entertaining...have a PERFECTLY happy day!!!

Jessica said...

I love your posts, they always make me smile! By the way, I would LOVE to have your breadstick recipe. They were a hit on Tuesday! Thanks for the reminder of it ok to accept a compliment, and you do deserve them!

Kathy’s Korner said...

Yes, you are AWESOME!!!(Practically perfect in every way!) Lest you forget, you DON'T have to be PERFECT to be LOVED!!!!!!!!!! You are LOVED!

shipleyke said...

I know how much you love comments on your blog, tehehe!! For that reason, I am getting out of my silent blog stalker shell to say that I love reading your blog to see all of the absolutely fun things that you do with your family. You are an amazing mom.

Danielle said... wasn't even my intention to go "fishing" for compliments here! But, I am trying to be better at accepting and believing them. So, uh, thank you?!

Heather said...

Wow.. Way to be so positive! I'm so happy for you that you are feeling so good and making an effort to not be so hard on yourself. You definitely deserve to think highly of yourself because you are a wonderful person. And thanks for the encouragement for all of us to do the same. We must be related.. or just women.. cuz I'm pretty hard on myself too :) Thankfully I've been to exhausted to care lately! haha