Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I Am Fi-hive, Going On Five-teen

People watching. Have you ever done it? I love to people watch. Something else I really like doing? Eavesdropping on conversations between little kids. That's good stuff.

I gave Chase and his buddy staplers, papers, tape, writing implements, and a folder. The folders were a slight after-thought. I thought they might enjoy using the folders to store all of their soon-to-be-born masterpieces.

After a few minutes, I heard Chase showing off a new word. He was trying to explain to his friend that their folders could be their "portfolio", and could house all their creations. When I heard this conversation beginning, I knew it was in my best interest to start writing. I knew it was going to be good. This is the conversation I scribed:

c "Portfolio."

a "mumble mumble."

c "No, port-folio."

a "mumble mumble?"

c "No. airport...port-folio."

a "Port?"

c "Port."

a "Folio?"

c "Folio. Portfolio. Now let me hear you say it."

a "Por-folio."

c "No. Por-T-folio. T -t -t -t. Let me hear you say it again."

a "Port-folio."

c "There you go! Good job!"

a few minutes later...

a "What was that word again?"

c "Portfolio."

a "Fort-folio?"

c "P-ortfolio. P -p -p -p. Portfolio.

a "Port-folio."

c "Yes. You got it."

a "YESSSSS! I am going to do some work in"

c "Yup. You know what? You CAN call it whatever you want."

a "Okay. I am going to do some work in my notebook."

I honestly thought I was going to pee my pants. Man, this kid is seriously killing me.


Kathy’s Korner said...

Frog and Toad move over.

Jeremy said...

He would be a great teacher! This just cracked me up!

Jeremy said...

--birgitta (of course)