It's amazing what we can handle. Things that once felt scary, enormous and impossible, all of a sudden become normal, every day, and old hat. For example...
I was sooooo freaked out about sending Chase to kindergarten. That seems like a long time ago. It's all routine now. We have even begun pushing the limits with our promptness. At this rate, we will be coming in an hour late by Christmas time.
I was extremely anxious about getting our puppy. Pfftt. Old hat. I am an old pro at this puppy-ownership thing. Well, except for the fact that she peed on my living room carpet. My L-I-V-I-N-G R-O-O-M. We are not even allowed in that room. Pepper comfortably wandered in there and let loose the other day. I let out a choice expression, screamed at the top of my lungs (yep, so loud it hurt my throat), grabbed her...still screaming...and literally "threw" her out the back door. Nope. I will NEVER get used to that.
Ward splits. Nah. I will never get used to those either. We have just experienced our 6th split in 5 and a half years. Not any easier now. We had some incredible people taken out of our ward tonight. Yeah, I will NEVER like those.
All through my life, I have come upon experiences and trials that seemed so ominous and impassable at the beginning. With time, faith, and a lot of prayer, I am able to soon look back and say, "Hey, look at that. I did it! I am an old pro!"
My dad has cancer. How do you get used to that? How do you get to the point where you can say, "Yup, we can handle that. We'll soon be old pros."? Well, hopefully with the same time, faith and amount of prayer. A few weeks ago, I could never imagine being able to be at this spot. Calm. Full of hope. Full of peace. I guess it has helped to have the incredible parents that I have. My first priority was to just get where they are. STRONG, calm, with faith in the forefront.
My dad will soon start the fight of a lifetime. My parents have a long and painful road ahead of them. I still ache that they have to go through this. But I am calm. All is going to be well! I don't think you can expect that they will be "used" to this any time soon. I don't know that I will get to the point when this will feel like old hat. BUT. I know that when my dad has beaten this, we will look back and think, "Wow. We did it!"
A little time, and a LOT of FAITH, can go a long way.
I am sorry about another serious post! I really do have a serious side, even though it is hard to take me seriously. I have just been in awe of such strong people around me. If I could handle things with half of the amount of grace that these strong people do, I would be well off!
December Brain Dump
4 years ago
Sweet post. You really have a way of expressing your self. Life is...well life! The two things we can count on are:
1. change,
2. that given a chance to get to that living room carpet a puppy will pee! :)
I'm sorry to hear about your dad. That's hard. Really hard. I will be praying that he fights hard and long.
Wow that is so hard I am sorry!
It was such a blessing to get to know you this summer. THANKS again for all your help. I spent time again today with your amazing parents. We are all blessed to know and love them. They will get through this and lives will be touched in ways we never thought possible.
We were all thrilled to raise our hands yesterday in sustaining Clark as a missionary.
Keep track of all the miracles. We will pray for another one in your lives too.
You are much stronger than you give yourself credit for. I think you are an AMAZING, BEAUTIFUL woman.
I hope I can be resilliant with the ward change...this is a hard one. I'm truly going to MISS the 7th ward!!
Your family will be in our prayers.
I keep reading your mom's posts - I still sit there in awe. I can't believe he has to go through chemo and radiation. They can't even be at home - that in itself will be hard.
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