Saturday, September 19, 2009

Age is Relative

Ah, to be a kid again. At this age, you can get away with stuff like this. With every digit that is added to your age, this becomes more inappropriate. You just look weird...and get weird looks. But at this age, it's cute. It's imaginative. They get photo shoots.

Well, I'm gonna do it. The next time Chase plays dress up, I am inviting myself. I am going to town. We are both gonna get dolled up. We are getting in front of the camera, and making it good. I may even venture out outside. I am not going to care one whit what people think of me. Okay, I might care a little...but I'm not going to do anything about it! I am letting loose!

I think I am hitting a midlife crisis. I don't want to be the age that I am supposed to be. I will not go down without a fight! I will live vicariously through my imaginative young son. I will run as fast and as long as he does, even if it kills me. Which it will. So could you just please make sure that I am dressed somewhat respectably when they load my carcass in the ambulance? I do have a reputation to uphold.


Kathy’s Korner said...


symony said...

Heck Ya play dress up! You are not old anyways!

Birgitta said...

I enjoy dress up on Halloween! Most adults don't dress up...but I do and LOVE it!

Bastian's said...

i must say.....I LOVE YOU.