Saturday, April 25, 2009

What's Grosser Than Gross?

As I was photographing this gross little whatever that is crawling up my leg, I am remembering a hilarious story from my teenage years. I know. Doesn't this picture make you want to come and play footsie with me? Actually, this picture doesn't even do it justice.

When I was 16 or 17, I developed a case of hives that started on my knees, then spread up my thighs and then down my shins. They were huge, itchy bumps. Yick. I had never had them before and have never had them since...given these beauties aren't hives.

Sometime in the midst of this beautiful outbreak, we went water skiing during a family get-together at a park in my hometown. A member of our stake presidency drove his boat, filled with my mom and dad and aunts and uncles. I was water skiing on the back. Yep, that's right. I used to water ski! Anyway, President Lybbert and my family were just chatting away in the boat, literally paying no attention to the poor skier that they were literally dragging around the lake. I have no idea how long I held in there. I waved and shouted and hooted and hollered, trying to get their attention, but to no avail. I was exhausted, at the expense of their great visit in the boat. Finally, I could hold on no longer. I just...let go. I had to. There was no more strength in my then little legs.

When the water finally settled around me, I began to panic. In my haste to ditch the tow rope and take a break, I didn't notice that the spot that I had chosen to land in was a green, slimy cesspool of green slimy muck. It seemed like an eternity before the intensely visiting someones realized that they had lost their poor skier. I am pretty sure that I, being a calm, cool and collected person, didn't react one bit. But, we all know that that is sooooo untrue. I am pretty sure I was hysterically ready for them to get me up on my skis again and drag me to shore. I remember coming up, SOLID green. Bleck!! It gives me the willies to think about it now!

There is a silver lining (and an ending!) to this story. My hives were gone. Literally gone. I was healed in a pile of green goo. I am not sure how, or why, but they were gone!

Anyone have a cesspool of green slime I can dip my disgusting feet in?


Kathy’s Korner said...

You are so funny. That green slime was alge!!!!!! Poor Girl.

Kimberly said...

Hmm. That is quite funny. I've never heard that story before. That's great. I hope it crawls back down your leg and leaves you alone!

Jeremy said...

I haven't heard this story before either. Funny! Seriously though, your poor foot....

Jeremy said...

this is birgitta

Samantha and Tyrel Ross said...

How odd I got a rare care of hives when I was in high school too. I got huge itchy welts all over my back and arm and have never had them since!! As for the goo, I know very few people that dare to water ski in that yummy moses lake, you are brave!!