Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Apple Doesn't Fall Far from the Tree

Chase is proving to be more like me than I think the world is ready for. He has a stubborn streak in him, strong enough to test the will of the Pope. And, are you ready for this...he is dramatic. Oh, no!

But, one really fun thing about Chase is that he is a YELLOW! If you aren't familiar with the color of personalities, I am BLUE heart on sleeve, people pleaser, wants everyone to know how they feel, sound like me? Oh yeah!! Yellow personalities like to play and have fun and be the life of the party. This is Chase.

The reason I am sooooo excited in this video is because of the fact that this "yellow" boy has a "red" streak running right down his back (likes to be in charge, likes to have their way, says what's on their mind regardless of consequences, etc.). I have been trying to teach this boy how to pump on the swings for two years. He's been holding out on me, insisting that underdogs from mom are way more fun. Who needs to learn to pump when you have your mom at your beck and call, right? He's pushing 5 and a half! I mean, come on! It's time to cut the apron strings, or underdogs. So, I apologize for the whooping and hollering. I would have stood on my head, in my underwear and screamed if it would have been enough excitment and reward for that boy to keep pumping and shed the mom-pusher.

Now the real reason for this video and post (did I mention that I am a to be to talk?). Anyway. At the end of the video, I asked him to say something to the camera and he said, "Happy Swing Day"! Everything can be turned into a party for this kid! In fact, on Monday, he received his regular bag of goodies from the dentist, a bag with stickers, toothpaste, a toothbrush and floss. He promptly hung it on the doorknob of our back door. When I shot him my incredulous look, he said, as if I was the only person who missed the memo, "We need decorations to celebrate "Happy Dentist Day!" Duh, what was I thinking?


Heather said...

Happy Swing Day!! That's so great. A proud day for sure. He's so dang cute!!

And THANK YOU so much for adding our button!! We need to make you one too! Well when I say we I mean Kirk... but you know.

Kathy’s Korner said...

Happy Swing Day! That is so awesome. We could all use a lot of Yellow, help us lighten up! Sure love ya!

Birgitta said...

What a cutie! Way to go Chase on learning to pump. I would have to say underdogs ARE much funner.

Woodstock Family said...

Please have him teach Toren how to pump! I'm so jealous! We haven't been to the park in a while, but just because of this post, I'm gonna teach my boys how to be loners on the swings!!!!

Kristi said...

Chase is such a cute little boy. I love his enthusiasm for everything!

Samantha and Tyrel Ross said...

hey!! I was just reading through your posts and they crack me up!! I have always told people that you are one of the funniest people I know and I don't even know you that well. I am so glad I have your blog now so I can keep reading your awesome posts!! Mine is private so if you want an invite you can email me at