In my previous post, a before shot of Chase's hair could be better served as an after shot of Chase's tooth-capade. Chase has lost 5 teeth since October. His teeth seem to be in a hurry to exit his little mouth. Either that, or we seem to have found a near barbaric, yet seemingly effective method of extracting teeth.
His last three exiting teeth have been "punched" out. Literally.
#3 by Dad's elbow during a tickle fight
#4 by a neighbor's elbow during a, uh, well, whatever it is that boys do
#5 by a friend's elbow during a wrestling match
#5 was pretty sad for Chasers. After an FHE activity with some friends, Chase took a blow to the face while wrestling with their kids. The tooth was gone. The grass received a pat down by six sets of the dark. Chase was pretty tearful at the thought of losing his lost tooth, until we offered a more romantic end to his tiny pearl. Instead of it being lost forever in the grass, maybe he swallowed it. Yeah, he swallowed it. A much better story. Tears stopped immediately.
At bedtime, a simple letter of explanation was written to the Bringer of Money:
Dier tooth fery
I lost my tooth when I waz resling with my frens
luv Chase
I just have to say, the Tooth Fairy really loves this little boy.
Oh, and if you need help removing any loose teeth from your children, stop on by. We'll start a fight on the front lawn. Results guaranteed.
December Brain Dump
4 years ago
That kid is all boy. It's a good thing the toothfairy is understanding! Very sympathetic to his plight!
Alaina lost her front tooth last night! She said she was trying to bite Zach's hand while they were playing/wrestling!
Zach has written a couple of letters explaining the whereabouts of his lost teeth. One time he bit down on a cheetoh and swallowed it!
You should scan and save Chase's letter if you still have it!
That's awesome! Nate lost his first two at Arctic Circle. Apparently opening their kids meal toy with your teeth is also very effective for removing teeth.
awesome! we have great tooth stories at our house too. i think it is way funny he was totally cool with thinking he could have swallowed it! Cracks me up!
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