Saturday, March 26, 2011

You Saw What?

Chase came running into my room the other day, shouting;

"Mom! That Columbus is totally gone!"

uh, pardon me?

"What is totally gone?"

"That Columbus!"

"Are you saying 'Columbus'?"


"I'm sorry, honey. I just have no idea what that means."

"You know, that big, dark rain cloud that was sitting over our house!"

"Oh, you mean the cumulonimbus?"

"Yeah, the Cumumublemumble"

After being so cuted-out by this conversation, I tried to start it up again while riding in the car;

"Chase, look at that! It is so big, and dark, and looks like it's ready to burst! What is that called again?"

Chase then shot me a look that accused me of getting my degree out of a cracker-jack box...a look that proves every child's theory that their parents know nothing. Then he stated,

"Uh, a rain cloud."


Kathy’s Korner said...

OK that is worth the chuckle of the day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Heather said...

That is really funny.. what a cute kid! He was totally on to you :)