Sometimes I feel really old. Life is changing so quickly. But, then, I remember I have a grandma. I know this doesn't seem to make sense, but I feel young again when I remember that I still have a grandma. Yeah, I know, my logic is a little loose!
My mom was visiting Grandma and needed a way to get to Utah. Chase and I were more than happy to take the job and go get her at the farm. We were able to spend some short, and I mean short, visits with my grandma. We were also able to explore the farm, which is a little bit of a heartbreaker. Things that were so fascinating and so much a part of the farm in our childhood are just not there anymore. It is definitely an end of an era, which doesn't help with this whole starting to feel so old thing! While we were waiting to be able to go see grandma the next morning, Aunt Cynthia entertained us by taking us to her friends farm, which in contrast to Great-Grandma's, is a living farm. My brother Clark, Chase and I had a great time with all of the animals.
We were able to get our priceless 4 generation picture, one that we will cherish. Chase, who likes to say that he has a shy heart sometimes, and who is very picky at to who will be the recipients of his hugs and kisses, was very willing to show affection to his great-grandma. I was very proud of him. Here are some pictures of a trip down memory lane.
December Brain Dump
4 years ago
I love the picture of chase on the fence. you need to frame that pic!
Thanks for the pics. It was fun times.
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