Tuesday, July 28, 2009


What do you do with an only child, stuck in the house with pneumonia, hopped up on steriods, after your moral code of ethics says it can't handle one more video game or Disney channel show?

You make a dodecahedrun.

Chase was thumbing through the old 1970's and 80's kids encyclopedias and found patterns for complex shapes in the mathmatics book. He thought that this would be a good activity for ME to do. So, while Chase played at my feet, I dove in and started to make a dodecahedrun. Not only did I impress Chase with my ability to say it, I made it. It was HARD, but actually fun.

And before you completely make fun of me and my choice of time fillers, go ahead and try one. Not so easy, eh? Especially when your son gets so excited with your acheivment that he endows you with complete trust in the ability to make enough "wrecking balls" to make the pyramid shown in the picture. Right. I'm not that bored.

I must confess, the only person I am trying to impress with this post is my brother, Erik. How did I do, Bro.?


Kathy’s Korner said...

Well, I am impressed. Hope Erik sees it. I sure can't say it.
(My word verifications is persiste, how funny is that?)

Melanie said...

I'm very impressed. And so sorry about the pneumonia. I wish I was there to help you!

Kimberly said...

I'm impressed. That looks like fun!

Heather said...

Wow.. you are seriously the coolest mom. I am amazed at all the stuff you come up with to do with Chase.

Hope he gets feeling better.. what a total bummer.

Very cool project!