Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The End Is Here

I don't know who was more sad about saying goodbye to summer; the boy, or his parents.
After a beautiful father's blessing, full of encouragement and great counsel, Jeff and I got all verklempt as we got ready to say goodbye to our buddy for another school year.  I seem to need to take a few minutes to adjust to the thought of school being out for the summer.  Then, I have a hard time letting him go back when it's over.
I am very much a "don't move my cheese" kind of person.
So handsome.  A third grader.  Really? 

Last year, I started taking his school picture in front of our front door so that we could see his growth from year to year.  He has grown 3 inches since last year.  What the...!

For the first time since kindergarten, Chase has a young, enthusiastic teacher.  He is quite excited about his year ahead with Mrs. Frandsen. He thinks she is pretty great. I asked him if he thought she was pretty.  He said,
Uh, sure.
He soooo doesn't speak that language yet.
So, here's goodbye to a great summer, and hello to another school year. It's going to be a great year.  I am so proud of you, Chase!
Go get 'em, Tiger!


Kathy’s Korner said...

Cute, I am glad he has a young teacher

Birgitta said...

No shedding of tears at my house! The kids were excited to go back and I was thrilled too! Happy New School Year everyone! Good luck Chase!